Economic Design
4. Rewards & Chests system
Sucess = Complete 10 floors with one weapon without dying.

If you want to learn more about
level design its here.
Chest System :
There is 3 types of chests :

Perks Chest : Player can drops perks & currencies
Weapons Chest : player can drops weapons and currencies
General Chest : Player can get both perks and weapons, but the chest is cheaper

I've developed an Excel-based chest-opening simulator to test the drop rates, and it has proven to be effective in determining the accurate values for our purposes.
There is 3 types of chests :

Perks Chest : Player can drops perks & currencies
Weapons Chest : player can drops weapons and currencies
General Chest : Player can get both perks and weapons, but the chest is cheaper
5 . Shop Offers Table
This table has greatly helped us to get an overview of the shop, allowing us to then work on the UX and UI of the store.
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